With a raised house how should I insulate underneath?

Kevin Marmillion
Updated: Feb. 1, 2021

My house is raised off the ground about 5' and the current insulation is falling apart and was just firberglass batt insulation. I'm looking at wool batt insulation but my joists are 2x10. Is it ok to leave a space between in the cavity if i am using batt designed for 2x6 install? Additionally being that far off the ground is it still rocommended to lay poly on the ground? my house backs up to a canal leading to a river and there is no draiage issues. Thank you in advance. 

Responses (3)

Kevin Marmillion 4 years ago

I live in southeast Louisiana about 50 miles north of New Orleans. I only have horizontal, cedar slats across the cinder block supports. Air flow is unrestricted as these slats are about and inch and a half spacing between each. 

Kevin Marmillion 4 years ago

Apologies. I was looking at Rockwool for insulation.