Walls and ceilings - interior surfaces

How to REPAIR DRYWALL - jam that sticky white stuff in those holes folks
Walls and ceilings - interior surfaces

How to repair drywall - fill holes, cracks and dents in walls like a pro

One of the easiest DIY home improvement jobs you can do is repair small holes and dents in drywall. Fixing damaged drywall can be done with a few simple tools, see our Building Guide pages to learn how. DIY drywall repairs are an easy home improvement that pretty much anyone can handle. Cracks and dents in drywall…

wood ceiling in Reclaimed sunken lumber
Walls and ceilings - interior surfaces

Wood Ceilings or drywall - how to choose your ceiling material & what's the difference in cost?

Wood ceilings are a beautiful natural material with no off-gassing and no treatment necessary so why do we systematically choose drywall. Wood ceilings - what's the the skinny? Ahhh, the charm of a wood ceiling, seriously, what's not to like? The intent of this page is less about talking you out of installing gypsum…

Installing recycled drywall in the Edelweiss House
Walls and ceilings - interior surfaces

Choosing the best drywall - video

Drywall may all look the same sitting in stacks in the store but they are very different in performance, strength and ecological impact. How to Choose Eco-Friendly Drywall: There is a lot more to choosing drywall than one might think, and as it finds its way into pretty much every building made, a lot of resources…