What is the best way to Insulate a basement and floor joists that are embedded into the concrete?

David Pereira
Updated: Sept. 11, 2020

Hi, I have recently purchased a home in Toronto. We had some water issues and I've opened up the walls where I found some mould to see that the previous owners installed batt insulation directly onto the concrete wall and didnt have a vapour barrier. I've also noticed my joists are embeded into the wall. How would I properly insulate my basement wall and the embeded floor joists? Right now the home has roxul insulation in the ceiling space as sound proofing and the roxul/batt insulation is in the ceiling space right up against the exterior wall. 

Responses (2)

Gregg Tate 4 years ago

Hey David, do the wooden joists come through to the other side of the concrete, or are they embedded in pockets?