How do you attach exterior siding without affecting the air barrier on a passive house?

Scott Bowker
Updated: July 30, 2020

I'm using the "Zip system" of exterior cladding. Over this I plan to install 6" of iso foam, for additional insulation, and siding over the foam.

I'm unsure how to attach anything to the "Zip system", without penetrating the airtight barrier.

Thanks, Scott

Responses (3)

Anwas Qwelten 4 years ago

I am also wondering about the fasteners into my air barrier for exterior insulation and the siding.  Are you saying that it is not necessary to use the pieces Flexxband where penetrations go into the air barrier?  That would certainly make life easier.  I'm also wondering about using a trowel on air barrier.  Don't see any information on your site about this:  Is it a good option.  The Delta Vent SA is too expensive for my project.  Any suggestions are welcomed.  Many thanks!

Ecohome 4 years ago