How do you prevent walls from rotting in humid climates?

Rose Alderson
Updated: Aug. 2, 2020

Hi there, we live on the gulf islands, building a new home as owner builders and figuring it out as we go. I worry that being in such a damp environment for so much of the year, we could have an issue with mould, as other neighbors (a professional builder) who used plastic Vapour barrier have had mould show up in less than 2 years on his north wall.  How can we avoid getting mould?

Responses (3)

Cheryl Clifford 1 year ago

We live on the Gulf Coast just north of Galveston Texas. Our house is wood framed on chided blocks about 3 feet above ground level. We have no insulation under house and have a big problem with moisture.  Our hardwood floors buckle in places during summer when a/c is running and same problem in winter when heater is running in 30 to 20 degree weather. We know we need to insulate under house but what with?

Cheryl Clifford 1 year ago

Cyinder blocks not chided blocks. Spell check!lol