Canada has several climates zones, and it is important to consider the individual climate challenges of a location in the design phase of a home. You can find your climate zone on this page –
Those setting out to build an efficient, sustainable or even net zero home in the USA or Canada, or to renovate an existing home for lower energy costs and better comfort, need…
The impact of 2020 and working from home has a lot of people considering moving away from urban centers to the countryside. How do we stave off an environmental disaster of…
Frost heaving of home foundations, basements, decks & garden walls in cold climates can cause issues - especially in clay soils that hold water - Ecohome built to prevent frost…
The climate is changing, how we build home needs to change as well. The U.S. Green Building Council and the University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban…
EV Home chargers are a relatively new thing for consumers to choose, so new that most people don't know they are really called EVSE's! Learn about EVSE's here, and how to choose…
As much as we want to see homes that are built sustainably - they must also fulfil their primary function - to provide safe, comfortable, healthy shelter for families to…
There will come a point where the cost of insulation in any attic, wall or basement - and the energy required to manufacture and transport it - will outweigh any savings. Want…
Canada has several climates zones, and it is important to consider the individual climate challenges of a location in the design phase of a home. You can find your climate zone on this page –
Building Climate Zones USA & Canada - Why it's Important