Is it better to insulate the inside of a house or outside during renovations? And which insulation is best?

Andy Sellers
Andy Sellers
Updated: Dec. 7, 2021

We bought a 3 bedroom house on a slab 5 years ago! We soon realized that the insulation is little to non existent! The attic has batt insulation but the walls of the attic have nothing! The aluminum siding is nailed right to the studs! When it's cold outside an I drill holes to install a Molly to hang pictures etc. Anywhere in the house I can feel cold air coming from the hole!  We have to use space heaters in the bedrooms an Living room!  In the summer the AC runs more then it should have to! So my question is what type of insulation should I install? An where? We're going to be removing the siding an replacing it so I'll have access to the entire outside of the house! I'm not trying to spend a fortune but we plan on spending the remainder of our lives here so it needs to be done right! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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