Are there LEED Certified builders?
There are no LEED certified builders, only LEED certified buildings. To build a home to LEED certification is something that is accessible to anyone, no accreditation is required to undertake the process. It is simply a matter of registering your project and successfully completing the requirements of the program.
Why should you build a LEED certified home? It's a great way to distinguish yourself from competitors. Having built a LEED certified home gives you credibility with future clients, whether they choose to certify their homes or not.
Homebuyers are increasingly asking about health issues and operational costs when making home purchases. LEED Certified homes have a higher level of satisfaction from occupants, and consequently less call backs from dissatisfied clients that end up costing the builder money.
Given the level of investment a home represents, home buyers are naturally nervous. And deservedly or not, there is a certain amount of distrust of general contractors.
A builder that goes through the LEED process demonstrates to clients a higher commitment to sustainable building practices and a willingness to put their product to the test of independent third party inspections.
For building homes on spec and putting them on the market, LEED is a recognized brand that signifies sensible building practices and a healthier, better performing product. Research shows LEED certified homes sell for approximately 8% higher than non-certified homes and spend less time on the market.
The ecological necessity to build more sustainable homes is obvious and should not be understated. What is not so obvious however, is the added benefits to those that build them.
An increasing public awareness of health and environmental issues is being reflected in market demand. Consumers want healthier and more environmentally responsible products in their homes, so those products have become cheaper and easier to find. For builders, that means building better homes is cheaper and easier than ever.
As the most comprehensive and globally recognized home rating system, building to LEED standards is not just for the good of your conscience, it's a smart business decision.
Now you know about the LEED for Homes rating system. Find more pages about sustainable construction below and in the Ecohome Green Building Guide pages.
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