What gauge of steel should I use for Gabion wall cage basket?

Jan Simms
Updated: Oct. 5, 2021

Gabion Wall:

What gage steel should be used?

How many tons of rock would be used in a Gabion basket sized 19.7 x 1.6 x 3.3?

Responses (2)

Samantha Musumeci
Samantha Musumeci 1 year ago

I just learned of Gabion walls today.  I'm an expat living in Dominican Republic and thinking of cost effective ways of building a wall, 8-9 feet that doesn't require a trench and rebar when I came across Gabion walls on youtube.  My question is ... is it possible to (and I apologize for not knowing the correct terminology) cover one side / face of the wall with a layer of concrete so that the cage isn't visible?  I know one point of the wall is for aesthetic purposes but, here in DR, leaving the cage exposed would just be an open door for someone to cut it and ruin the wall. I figured a concrete finish could work.