b sq. Design Studio Inc. is a Toronto-based landscape design and build firm that endeavours to create elegant and modern landscapes with a focus on sustainability and longevity for their work. “Plug and Play – the Pallet Garden” is their 5th feature garden installation for the annual Canada Blooms Garden Festival.

Pallate garden
Building with shipping pallets © b Sq. Design Studio

With interior and exterior climbable walls, plenty of counter space, a 12 foot roof deck and two door openings, this structure is the ultimate play space for children and adults alike.

Recycled wood pallets were chosen as the primary material for this feature garden as they were a commonly available material that everyone would recognize but be surprised to see employed in such an aesthetically pleasing, fun and practical way. If feeling inspired to build with pallets, we recommend first checking how to tell if pallets are toxic or not here! 

Pallate garden
Building with shipping pallets © b Sq. Design Studio

Challenging themselves to take this common element and make it into something beautiful and interesting, the b sq. Design Studio succeeded with overwhelmingly positive response from visitors and exhibitors both.

The use of shipping pallets as a garden element is a natural progression for b sq. Design Studio. They made their mobile design office from a standard 8’ x 20’ Shipping container as their display for a number of shows in 2009.


Pallet garden Container
Building with shipping pallets © b Sq. Design Studio

Since then the b sq. Design Studio has extended the life of their trade show container display indefinitely by using it as their mobile support office.

At the completion of the show the "Plug and Play - the Pallet Garden" display will be dismantled, the pallets will be returned to the warehouses and the plant materials will be relocated into permanent locations throughout Toronto.

Now you know more about building with recycled shipping pallets, learn more about reducing waste, composting, disposing of construction waste and other easy lifestyle changes to reduce your environmental footprint in these pages : 

Find more about green home construction in the Ecohome Green Building Guide pages - also, learn more about the benefits of a free Ecohome Network Membership here.