Renewable Energy

Solar & Wind power generation and storage

Renewable Energy Systems, Solar Photovoltaic Panels, Battery Backups in Sustainable Construction: Expert Tips


Solar panel recycling to prevent sending them to landfills

Recycling process for photovoltaic solar panels

Solar power generation is an integral part of transitioning away from fossil fuels. But do we have another environmental disaster looming when solar panels reach their end-of-life? Find out how to recycle solar panels. Recycling solar panels - a growing need The need to reduce carbon emissions to slow runaway…

A Renewable Natural Gas refinery built in Quebec with misguided public funding?

Renewable natural gas, RNG or biogas under the microscope...

Many recent press releases are selling us on using public tax dollars to fund private enterprise in the shape of biomethanization plants to "revalorize" food waste and feacal sludge into biogas - what is Renewable Natural Gas & is RNG even a good idea. Recent articles have praised major public investments in…

Are Small Wind Turbines for Homes Any Good?

Is this the safest and most powerful small home wind turbine yet?

We were told about the PowerPod compact home wind turbine appearing on a Kickstarter campaign, but having seen a fair few home wind turbines in the past that failed to deliver on their promises, Ecohome decided to investigate. Countless inventors are stepping up to the plate with the latest and greatest green…

Renewable energy wind farm

What is clean energy?

If you want to improve your carbon footprint but can't afford your own rooftop solar array, you can purchase clean energy credits and have renewable energy offset your power use. What is the cleanest energy? Despite how commonly  the term ‘clean energy’ is used, there is actually no such thing. At least not in the…

Solar Electricity Generation & Storage with no Batteries, Azelio

Azelio Solar solutions combine electricity generation & storage without Batteries

The Swedish company Azelio has an innovative solution for generating carbon neutral electricity with storage that doesn't need batteries. New technology combines solar power generation & battery free power storage The forever-changing landscape of the green home building industry sees ideas come and go, and on…

Tesla Solar Roof Cost Comparison, Competitors & Reviews

Are Tesla solar roofs worth the money? Are there any competitors? Our take on the future of BIPV

BIPV solar roof shingles are poised to take over rooftop solar installations with better durability, pricing and aesthetics announced for the Tesla solar roof - here we look at the competitors in the solar roof market. Rooftop solar-power production is fairly commonplace now, and you always know exactly which roof…

Tesla Solar Roof Tiles installation just got easier

Tesla solar roof gains ground with target of 1000 solar roofs / week

Finding a long-term roofing solution hasn't been the norm in the US & Canada, but the times they are a changing. Sustainable homes are gaining in popularity and the Tesla solar roof tiles are starting to make sense. The Telsa solar roof tiles are in the news again. They now have solar panel shingle installations…

Decentralized Energy Generation for LEED, Passive House & Green Homes

Which is the best type of home energy generation for green homes?

Solar panels good, coal-fired power plant electricity bad. If only it were that simple to choose. We discuss the best alternatives for producing your own power at home, from solar to wind turbines to generator bikes. Home energy generation, which option is best? How the electrical grid is fed near you will be a huge…

60 Minutes On This Bicycle Can Power Your Home For 24 Hours (In Theory Anyhow)

Can you really power your home with a bicycle generator?

Would you exercise for an hour every day if the workout powered your home for twenty-four hours? EcoHome investigates if Bike Generators cut the mustard. Mitigating climate change at home, get on your bike! As we look for ways to mitigate climate change , improving home energy efficiency and decentralising power…

Product of the month: Solar water heater with overheating protection

The flat plate solar thermal collector from Viessmann has a modulating collector to prevent overheating. Solar thermal panels in cold climates are at risk of freezing in winter, so in the North, we use a glycol mix as a heat transfer fluid. This prevents panels from freezing but introduces new problems in the summer…

All about solar thermal collectors

Choosing the right solar thermal water heater system. What is a solar thermal collector? A photovoltaic (PV) solar collector converts solar radiation into electricity , but a solar thermal collector is much simpler than that. It refers to a device that collects heat directly from solar radiation. That can be as…


2019 Renewables produced more Electric than Coal, Gas, Oil

In 2019, renewable energy sources produced more power in the US than fossil fuels

In 2019, renewable energy sources accounted for the majority of power used in the US, the first time since 1885 that coal was not the country's main source of power. Energy generated by fossil fuels has dominated the globe for generations . Some countries have pushed for a faster transition to cleaner fuels than…

Renewable Energy - Houston goes for 100% green

City of Houston to be powered with 100% renewable energy

Houston, Texas to be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2025 as part climate change mitigation strategy to become carbon neutral by 2050. City of Houston to be powered with 100% renewable energy In April, 2020, The City of Houston announced a renewed deal with NRG Energy as the City’s retail electric provider…

Coronavirus - clean energy & sustainables in jeopardy after covid-19 - IEA

Coronavirus poses a threat to climate action says The International Energy Agency (IEA)

The IEA warns that Covid-19 may cause a slowdown in the world’s progress to clean energy & while the coronavirus may prompt a drop in global carbon emissions this year, long-term climate action will suffer too in it's wake. "The economic impact of coronavirus must not derail the switch to sustainable energy" In a…

Tesla Solar Panel Special Offer USA September 2019

Solar Panels Special Offer from Tesla in US - September 2019!

Tesla Solar Panels "free" for US clients in September! If you do the math, this Tesla Solar panel rental special offer is actually even better than free - because if you live in the sunnier US states with the highest electricity costs, those solar installations are going to produce more payback than they cost to…
