
Durable bathroom surfaces and design

Green & Sustainable Bathroom Designs: Expert Tips for Eco-Friendly Spaces When Building or Renovating Green Homes © Ecohome


Faulty Toilet Flappers Leak a Lot of Water - here's how to replace them

Faulty toilet flappers are the leading cause of leaking or running toilets, here's how to fix them

Faulty toilet flappers leak a lot of water down the pan – they provide the seal for the flush valve and control the volume of water released to the bowl. The good news is they're a pretty easy DIY fix once you know how... Read on. Why fix a leaky toilet flapper? Another of the jobs that sat on my Honey-Do-List for…

How to Fix a Leaky or Dripping Faucet Easily

How to fix a Leaky Faucet for under $1 (and stop that tap dripping!)

Leaky faucets or dripping taps are a pain, which is why we decided to show a step by step guide of how easy it is to fix a dripping bathroom faucet or kitchen faucet for under a dollar - including if they are leaking from around the tap handles or tops. Why fix leaky faucets? One of the jobs that sat on my…

DIY Bidet Installation Video - Save on Water & Paper

DIY bidet installation video

More and more people are installing bidets at home, so Ecohome took a look... does the idea of a jet of water blasting your nether regions seem a hard leap to make at first? Well, the times they are a changin’. Should we consider adding a bidet? Although quite popular in Africa, Asia and Europe, the bidet has been…

Are low-flow shower heads worth the money?

Are low-flow shower heads worth the money?

We all like money saving ideas for the home to keep our bills and energy use to a minimum, one of those ideas is low-flow shower heads. Are low flow shower heads worth it? So, let's start with this somewhat shocking reality -  North Americans will on average use over 1.4 million litres of water per year, or about 4…

Water efficient Boulevard FloWise toilet from American Standard

Efficient toilets for LEED homes

The three considerations of a toilet are water efficiency, performance and aesthetics. Toilets usually account for about a third of the indoor water use in a home , so toilets that carry the EPA WaterSense® label are a great place to start looking . Then comes the choice of either single flush or dual flush- it's a…

Grey water and heat recovery shower

EcoVéa: recycled and cleaned shower water

This Quebec made closed-loop water and heat recovery system makes showering ultra efficient. After recently posting a story sharing the brilliance that is the Swedish Orbsys water and heat recycling shower, it was brought to our attention that there is a homegrown Canadian variety as well. The EcoVéa shower by…


Water Efficiency News - Trump showerhead laws reversed by Biden

Trump shower head rules reversed by Biden - water efficiency is back!

Water efficiency is the smart use of our water resources through water-saving technologies and simple steps we can all take to Green up our homes. Using water efficiently will help ensure reliable water supplies today and for future generations. We were pleased to hear this week that the Department of Energy in the…