Having admired their work on numerous occasions we are not at all surprised that Perkins + Will made the Fast Company list of the world's top ten most innovative companies in architecture. From the Van Dusen Botanical Visitor Center  to the Centre for Interactive Research in Sustainability (CIRS)  we have seen Perkins + Will raise the bar for sustainability in the built environment time and time again. 
Perkins+Will are recognized by Fast Company for:
"… leading the crusade to clean up our buildings - from hospitals to schools - by using better building materials. Perkins+Will advocates for healthier people through healthier buildings, meaning no more paints, countertops, or carpets with chemical toxins."
Hats off to all the hardworking innovators at one of our favourite firms. We look forward to seeing what comes next.
Vale Inco Living With Lakes Centre
Vale Inco Living With Lakes Centre © Perkins + Will