Electricity, Lighting & Appliances

Efficient home electrical equipment and design

All About Energy-Efficient Lighting & Appliances for Green Homes including LEED, Passive House and Energy Star Certified Sustainable Construction Projects


LED filament bulbs

All about LED filament bulbs

A great vintage look, reminiscent of Thomas Edison's handmade bulbs but with LED longevity and low energy consumption. What is the difference between LED and Incandescent lightbulbs? At the beginning of the 20th century, light bulbs were handmade, with incandescent filaments painstakingly being placed in tiny glass…

Warm light and dimmable LED bulbs

All about LED bulbs - video

LED light bulbs now come dimmable and with warm colours. Check out our video on choosing bulbs and DIY installation tips. DIY video about choosing the best LED bulbs and DIY lighting fixture installation tips. LED bulbs are here to stay, it's time to make the leap. The colours are warmer now, the bulbs are dimable…

Drumi the foot pedalled washing machine that makes laundry off-grid oh

This foot pedalled washing machine doesn't need electricity and uses very little water.

Powered by foot, this compact and easy to maneuver machine is an excellent alternative to a normal home washing machine or trip to the dreaded laundromat. A typical washing machine can use up to 87 litres of water per load, not to mention its ability to eat up electricity. An efficient Energy Star machine can cut…

Energy Star High efficiency appliances

Efficient appliances and electronics - why to choose Energy Star Certified

Most home electronics and appliances use energy even while in standby mode, and it is estimated that more than half the overall power consumed can happen when they aren't even in use. Reducing energy consumption in homes Even when sitting idle, almost all TVs, computers and stereos etc., will still be using power…

Lights, appliances and all things electrical

These guide pages are intended to help you find the most efficient and affordable options for pretty much anything that runs on power, and the best ways to generate power yourself. There are a lot of options to consider when shopping for appliances, designing home lighting, and heating your home. These pages outline…

Mixed interior room lighting

Home lighting design

Home lighting impacts safety, function, energy consumption and quality of life. Different lights offer not only different levels of efficiency, but a variety of colours as well, and can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder(S.A.D.). The first thought of home lighting design should be the orientation of windows for…


What are the ingredients for making a DIY salt water battery?

Posted by louis-jacques Wens Dec. 10, 2020 Electricity 1 response