Anything from gourmet food and wood wine boxes, t-shirt packaging, award winning CD boxes – it’s all up to you! Let our experience guide your ideas, and together we will create premium packaging for your product!
We are a leading wood box manufacturer of custom wooden packaging. Our mission is to create wood packaging that is memorable, cost effective, and responsibly uses our natural resources for environmentally friendly manufacturing.
We have built wooden boxes for wine, beer and spirits, cigars, soap, candles, smoked salmon, tea and coffee, machine parts, pharmaceuticals, CD’s, DVD’s and books, flowers, pies and cakes, and so much more. Please browse our site for ideas on how wood packaging can enhance your product. You will find samples of many of our wood box designs in our Wooden Packaging Product section.
If you would like more information on how wood packaging fits with your product please contact us or send us an email and we will get back to you shortly. We look forward to talking to you!