Iris Environmental Laboratories

Iris Environmental Laboratories

Asbestos & Mold Inspection

Iris Environmental Laboratories is a leading mold & asbestos testing & inspection service provider in NJ, NYC and FL. We are nationally accredited by NVLAP, and NY-ELAP/NJ-DEP. We are also committed to consistently delivering quality environmental laboratory testing and consulting services on time and at the most economical cost to our customers, utilizing the best methods and systems available. Our services include mold assessment, asbestos testing, inspection service, indoor air quality testing, laboratory testing service, and more. Talk to us today to find out more!

Environmentally Sustainable Choices

Iris Environmental Laboratories is a leading mold & asbestos testing & inspection service provider in NJ, NYC and FL. We are nationally accredited by NVLAP, and NY-ELAP/NJ-DEP.


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