Ecohab House

Maison Ecohab has 1600 sq.ft. on two floors, plus 300 sq.ft. of floor space located in the roof trusses. To facilitate the leisure activities of the family who enjoy the outdoors and mountain sports, the traditional garage has given way to a bicycle workshop!

A training and music room has been set up in the roof trusses as  an economical way to save square footage. The main living areas are on the ground floor, with a polished concrete slab heated with a hydronic radiant floor.

Questions / Answers (5)

Daniel Zajic
Daniel Zajic 3 years ago
Jessica Feinleib
Jessica Feinleib 3 years ago
Jessica Feinleib
Jessica Feinleib 3 years ago

How do we get more information?

Janell Roehr 3 years ago

Is there any way of getting a blueprint of the

Glenn Loyer 8 months ago

can we see the house plan