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Arborists and tree trimming specialists help keep cities Green and more livable. Healthy mature trees in urban neighborhoods help clean the air andcan provide shade for concrete and asphalt and reduce the overall energy consumption from air conditioning. Providing Green space with healthy trees in urban settings improves quality of life and creates safe habitat for birds, insects and small mammals. Shading from mature trees over hard surfaces like laneways and walkways earns points in the LEED rating system for preventing the heat island effect, where concrete and asphalt absorb heat from the sun and increase temperatures which in turn increase energy consumption from air conditioning in homes and offices.

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Before hiring a Tree Services Specialist through our network of local Tree Services Specialists read through customer reviews, check out their past projects and then request a quote from the Tree Services Specialist near you. Finding Tree Services Specialists for sustainable homes who are experienced in all areas is easy on The Ecohome Network.