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Masonry stove builders help homeowners create sustainable and resilient home by offering off grid heat. Being able to keep homes warm during power outages, and heating homes without fossil fuels makes them better prepared to face the extreme weather events more common with climate change. Heating homes with biomass, such as heating with EPA certified woodstoves and pellet stoves can be made even more efficient when heat is stored in thermal mass, such as a masonry heater. Efficient home heating with wood reduces pollution by emitting less particles, they also conserve forests by reducing the amount of wood needed to heat a home by storing heat in thermal mass and thermal batteries like masonry heaters.

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Before hiring a Masonry Heaters Craftsman through our network of local Masonry Heaters Craftsmen read through customer reviews, check out their past projects and then request a quote from the Masonry Heaters Craftsman near you. Finding Masonry Heaters Craftsmen for sustainable homes who are experienced in all areas is easy on The Ecohome Network.