Find Landscaping Contractors for green home construction projects near Tyler - Longview - Texarkana, Texas

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Landscape contractors for Green homes would specialize in sustainable landscaping practices such as: diverting stormwater away from foundations and towards dry wells or swales. Rain water collection lets you irrigate lawns and water vegetable gardens without needing to use municipal water. Green landscaping companies with experience in Green home rating systems would help choose drought resistant and bee friendly ground cover alternatives to grass, local and indigenous plant species, drought resistant plants, and edible landscaping plants. Permeable paving stones and other Green home landscaping ideas help homes meet LEED Platinum certification as you earn points for diverting water from municipal treatment and backyard food production.

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Before hiring a Landscaping Contractor through our network of local Landscaping Contractors read through customer reviews, check out their past projects and then request a quote from the Landscaping Contractor near you. Finding Landscaping Contractors for sustainable homes who are experienced in all areas is easy on The Ecohome Network.