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New Jersey, United States (USA)

Brick and masonry home exterior contractors help create more sustainable homes. Stone and brick exteriors when installed properly, make walls more durable by protecting them from water infiltration, which makes insulation last longer and prevents moisture damage and mold in walls. Finding recycled bricks and masonry from homes being decommissioned reduces the strain on landfills by diverting useable building materials. Masonry products and bricks on homes have very long lifespans, which increases the value of homes, as studies show homebuyers are willing to pay more for Green homes that have longer lifespans and carry Green building certifications such as Zero Net Energy, LEED or Passive house. 

Find the best Brick and Masonry Contractor for Sustainable Homes near me on Ecohome

Before hiring a Brick and Masonry Contractor through our network of local Brick and Masonry Contractors read through customer reviews, check out their past projects and then request a quote from the Brick and Masonry Contractor near you. Finding Brick and Masonry Contractors for sustainable homes who are experienced in all areas is easy on The Ecohome Network.