window-farms / Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Correct window installation details
Windows and doors

How to install windows

Fitting Windows, how to fit windows correctly to avoid air or water leaks  Watch more Green Building videos here The Edelweiss LEED Platinum V4 Demo House has been oriented towards the south to increase passive heat gain and reduce energy demand during operation. Choosing higher quality windows on all sides of your ho...

Wood frame Triple-glazed, argon-filled windows in the Ecohome Demo House
Windows and doors

Choosing windows - which window frame? wood v aluminum v vinyl

Material choices for window frames: Window frames can be made from a variety of materials offering different levels of performance and insulation values. Air in the cavities between panes expands as it heats up and contracts as it cools, which puts pressure on the seals and frames. When we speak of durable and sturdy w...

Correctly installed Triple pane south facing windows on Ecohome's Demo House
Windows and doors

Installing doors & windows for the best performance in high efficiency homes, LEED & Passive House

The importance of installing doors and windows correctly: Window and door openings are breaches in a building envelope that need to be carefully managed in order to prevent moisture damage and air leakage in homes as well as to save energy. Water leaks from around windows and doors are the visible result of a poor inst...

Indoor hydroponic vegetable garden
Food production

Growing food indoors

Introducing BioCity's indoor vertical veggie garden. This beautiful installation made with reclaimed wine bottles allows you to grow arugula, chard, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and more all year round in your very own home. Thanks to the craftsmanship and innovation of the folks at Montreal based company BioCity, gro...

Wind farm
Wind power

Storing power from wind farms

One of the biggest drawbacks to renewable energies like wind and solar, is that it is unpredictable. This presents a challenge to grid operators, as they struggle to meet demand while compensating for calm winds or clouds. One method of balancing supply and demand that is garnering some attention lately, is pumped stor...

The Zoetrope DIY Vertical Wind Turbine Design
Wind power

The Zoetrope: Open Source DIY Vertical Wind Turbine Design

The Zoetrope is a vertical-axis wind turbine made from common materials. Many of the materials can be found at your local hardware store and the rest can purchased online or made at home, for the truly industrious amongst us.  The Zoetrope was conceived when renewable energy advocate, Mike Marohn commissioned Applied S...

Vinyl record album
Healthy indoor air quality

Keep vinyl out of your home (albums excluded of course)

The production of vinyl (also known as PVC- polyvinyl chloride) accounts for approximately 40% of the chlorine gas produced in North America. Vinyl is highly polluting in production, and as a building product it is susceptible to UV exposure, causing it to break down and release particles. And in the unfortunate event ...

When should you replace windows
Windows and doors

When should you replace old windows?

Windows, Replace or Repair? We often get asked if it is a good idea to replace old windows with new and better performing windows to save money. Usually to the surprise and relief of homeowners we most often tell them to stick with the ones they've got. Not to say that the idea of replacing windows is always 'green was...

How to choose Triple pane, high performance windows
Windows and doors

Our top tips for buying high-performance windows

Which windows are best? Windows are essential to our homes, so getting the choice of window right is important. They give us natural light, a way to ventilate the home without depending on mechanical systems, a means of emergency exit, and they offer an alternative way to heat homes free of charge through passive solar...

Passive solar house design
Passive solar home design

Passive solar home design

Homes heated by the sun's free heat! Passive Solar Houses are aptly named because there are no wires, panels or batteries and nothing to break down. It's just about design, and it isn't a new concept. Humans around the globe have been incorporating passive solar design features into their homes for thousands of years. ...

Reflective window film to reduce overheating
Windows and doors

Product feature: window film treatment to reflect heat and lower air conditioning bills

After a difficult first half to 2020, heat waves then took hold across North America, from Canada down into the Southern and Central USA. These extreme summer temperatures pose a very real health risk to the most vulnerable members of society.   There are some tips to help keep a home cool during a heat wave, but faced...