I am looking to build a home in FL. I have extraordinarily little use for heated floors. but somewhere I did hear someone mention that this type of foundation s...
budget is 100,000 Prefab kit houses can come with various levels of completion, allowing you to have a completed house or do some of the work yourself. 100 K is...
We are planning to move to Colorado in the near future and I really like your designs. We have a number of prefab kit houses available in Canada and the US. The...
Hi, my apologies if this question has already been answered or has any glaring misconceptions. I've only recently begun my journey into building my first home ...
...kits come with stamped engineering drawings along with custom detailed strep by step instructions for assembly. We can provide you with a quote, if so send your...
...kit houses soon, and there is a sign up on that page for more info on prefab kit homes, with that you would get a notice as soon as we have more to offer. Hope ...
...kit, what sort of product are you looking at? Some are for monolithic slabs and some are not. If it is a full kit with exterior edge insulation and sub-slab fla...
...kit houses for Prince Edward Island and the Maritimes. If you sign up to get a quote at the bottom of that page you will be in our data base and we can also tip...
...kit house models here, but currently demand is greater than our ability to supply, when are you building? If you join the Ecohome Network as a free member (we d...
...Kit houses for the US and Canada are currently backlogged till 2022 unfortunately. We are trying to get more manufacturing facilities going so we can meet deman...
...kit? If so, see this page on Legalett Geoslab foundation kits and air heated floors and you can contact them through there. If that's not what you mean let us ...
...Kit houses can withstand hurricanes, but we are in discussion with additional manufacturers to increase our supply, how far we can supply them, and to have kit ...
...kits (Legalett) can easily provide that, see more here – Slab-on-Grade Raft Foundation Insulation Detail, Prefab ICF Form Kits There is reason to be concerned ...
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