intern / Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Frost in Attics: What causes Attic Ice? How to Fix it?
Roof assemblies - renovation

Why is there frost in my attic? Is ice in roofs a problem & How do I stop it?

...InterNACHI Some builders have expressed concerned that ridge vents aren't sufficient because they can be blocked by snow, but snow isn't an air barrier. It will slow the air, but as long as the vent runs the length of the roof there should be enough air flowing through. you can apparently survive (for a time) after be...

How to reduce gas, electricity, and grocery bills easily this winter
Efficient home design

How to Reduce Energy Bills this Winter to Help Reduce the Cost of Living...

...internal structural decay from interstitial condensation - which has similar causes to condensation on windows but is less obvious, and so damages homes from the inside out. The blower door test is used during the construction of many new homes these days to ensure the effectiveness of the airtightness measures, but it...

Top Tips for Getting a House Ready for Winter
Wall assemblies - renovation

Winter preparation for your home - are you ready for the cold?

...internal condensation and mold in walls. Most of the problems that a home will face during a deep freeze are moisture related in one way or another. Extreme differences in temperature between inside and out makes indoor humidity a bigger concern.  Warm moist indoor air will condense on any cold surface it can find, as ...

Condensation on windows in our homes - why is it there? - how to stop it?
Walls and Roofs

Condensation on windows is a pain but is it a problem & how to stop it?

...internal painting so the windows can be flung wide open to get those chemicals and that water vapor ventilated outside.  Modern air conditioning systems - Believe it or not, AC systems can raise the levels of the humidity in homes. Specifically, I mean the newer models that are supposedly going to save up to 50% in ele...

How to Handle a Power Outage in Cold Weather
Lifestyle and environment

How to handle a power outage in cold weather

Why be prepared for power outages in cold weather? From celebrating holidays to snow related activities like skiing or snowboarding, followed by curling up by the fire and enjoying hot chocolate with a good book or your favorite website (;-), winter can be a beautiful time of the year. However, the enchanting snowy sea...

Do you need a backup heat source with central heat pumps in a power outage?
Heating and cooling

Do heat pumps need a backup heat source?

Having a backup heat source that can operate without electricity should be an important consideration for many homeowners in colder climate zones, especially those who rely on a heat pump or electricity as their primary source of heat. In this guide, we will explore the various factors that can influence the need for a...

The Best 10 Energy Saving Tips for Green Homes - EcoHome
Wall assemblies - renovation

Green home improvements: an energy-saving pyramid scheme that actually works!

The best tips to save money & reduce bills? First of all, the best way to reduce bills & save money is to spend as little as possible for the maximum return, as not everyone who wants to be 'green' has a wad of bills they can throw at the latest and greatest renewable technologies for sustainable homes. So wher...