hydroelectric / Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

the installation of a LucidPipe power generator via Lucid Energy

Portland, Oregon will Soon Generate Hydroelectric Power in Water Pipes Under City Streets.

Hydroelectric power generation is definitely renewable but not always 'green' when you consider all the side effects, especially when it comes to large hydroelectric dams. In the quest to find alternative power sources to replace fossil fuels, the energy that can be harnessed from moving water is leading to some impres...


Lights, appliances and all things electrical

There are a lot of options to consider when shopping for appliances, designing home lighting, and heating your home. These pages outline some things you can do that will help reduce your consumption, and despite what is sometimes a higher sticker price, usually save you money. Home lighting There are many factors that ...

Wind farm
Wind power

Storing power from wind farms

...hydroelectric power stations. The concept is quite simple, and facilities like this already exist in many countries around the world. It is a matter of taking unneeded renewable power at off-peak times to pump water to a location where it is ready to be released and generate hydroelectric power. There are close to a do...

tidal power generators
Renewable energy

Tidal generators offer a predictable supply of renewable energy

...hydroelectric power Harnessing the power of flowing water is anything but a new technology; what is new is the benign ecological effects of free-standing underwater turbines compared to the damming of rivers. While power from hydroelectric dams is certainly renewable, it is by no means clean. There are many social and ...

Bullfrog clean power
Renewable energy

Bullfrog Power makes clean renewable energy available to all of us.

Bullfrog’s green electricity comes exclusively from wind and hydro facilities that have been certified as low impact by Environment Canada under its EcoLogoM program. Their natural gas is presently sourced in Quebec by collecting methane escaping from a landfill site. A common question seems to be "How do they ensure t...

Renewable energy wind farm
Renewable energy

What is clean energy?

...hydroelectric power generating turbine from Lucid Energy How do you know if your electricity is clean? The way the power grid operates makes it impossible to actually determine how much, if any, of your home electricity consumption comes from clean and renewable energy sources. The reason is that the power grid operat...